Disaster Preparedness

Voices of Solano Emergency Response Preparation: Jessica
Jessica Ostrowski of Spread Love Solano shares her easy tips for being ready in the face of an emergency
Voices of Solano Emergency Response Preparation: Vicki
Voices of Solano Emergency Response Preparation: Randy
Major Randy Hartt of the Salvation Army shares his advice for helping others in your community following an emergency
Voices of Solano Emergency Response Preparation: Lori
Lori Wilson, Mayor of Suisun City, shares her advice for recovering after an emergency

Robyn Rains
Join us for our final season episode of Unsung Heroes of Solano County with host K Patrice Williams. We are featuring Unsung Hero Robyn Rains, Office of Emergency Services, Solano County and learning how to keep our friends, families and fellow community members safe during an emergency.
December5, 2020

Vicki Dawson - President
Solano Community Animal Response Team (Solano CART).
5 Steps to Emergency Prepardness for Livestock and Pets
ATTENTION Pet Owners: Unsung Heroes of Solano County hosted by K Patrice Williams honors Vicki Dawson President, Solano Community Animal Response Team (Solano CART). Vicki will give us the steps to prepare our pets for a natural disaster. Sponsors: CVNL, BrandGOV, Solano Volunteers & Listos California
October 31, 2020

Vincent Valenzuela and Major Randy Hartt
Unsung Hereos of Disaster Prepardness with Vincent Valenzuela and Marjor Randy Hartt Cofounders of Solano COAD. Vincent Valenzuela, Disaster Program manager with the American Red Cross Marin/Solano County and Major Hartt is with the Salvation Army. Solano COAD is the cornerstone of emergency response organizational communication in Solano County.
October 24, 2020

Pam Bertani
Unsung Heroes of Solano Disaster Preparedness featuring Fairfield Vice Mayor Pam Bertani. Securing your home during an evacuation and the importance of power generators was the focus of this episode.
October 17, 2020

Kris Lofthus
Unsung Hereos of Disaster Prepardness Kris Lofthus Director, Recreation Parks & Marina, Suisun City gives special focus to emergency evacuation centers.
October 3, 2020

Jessica Ostrowski Kelly
Unsung Hereos of Disaster Prepardness Jessica Ostrowski Kelly, Founder, Spread Love Solano a pandemic and disaster assistance group. Jessica’s passion is her blog, Girl Gone Wilderness. This is the lens that she brings to this emergency prepareness talk.
September 19, 2020

Ron Turner
Unsung Heroes of Disaster Preparedness featuring Ron Turner founder of Solano/Yolo Chapter of The 100 Club. Ron Turner is a 37 years retired police officer and first responder. Ron gives special focus in the area of using ALERTS to keep familiies notified.
September 12, 2020

Jason Roberts
Unsung Heroes of Disaster Preparedness featuring Jason Roberts of Team Rubicon Disaster Response.