Community Mobile Testing Clinic

Free Rapid Covid-19 Testing

Our COVID-19 testing clinics are always free. Peace of mind is offered four times a week. Test results are delivered fast and securely right to your mobile device. No appointments necessary.

In the interest of providing the safest experience for our community and team members, clinics will be cancelled when the temperature is over 85 degrees.

Community Mobile COVID-19 Testing

Free Rapid COVID Testing at your Event, Gathering, School, & more!


Our Clinic will come on site at no cost to you, and tests are free for the community


We are an accredited partner of the California Department of Public Health


Tests are self-administered under the guidance of our trained Empower Solano staff.


Results available within 15 minutes, and also available online through the secure user portal.

Community Services

Offer free rapid COVID testing at your next event

Our Community Mobile COVID Testing service is available to come to your event, church, workplace, dorm, activity center, or any other gathering place. We can even set up weekly, biweekly, and monthly testing.
Call our event logistics coordinator to get started at (707) 474-8777.

We have a long and proud history givin emphasis to environment social and economic outcomes to deliver places that respond too the complex global forces shaping our future

Residential Services

Offer free rapid COVID testing at your next event

Regular COVID testing is vital to the safety of those in shared living spaces and we can help. Our trained testing staff has the experience and know-how necessary to bring testing to shelters, foster homes, transitional housing, senior communities, re-entry programs, and other shared living spaces
Call our event logistics coordinator to get started at (707) 474-8777.

It's Easy to get Set Up!

Request Testing

Send us your information and we will respond quickly!

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Empowering Solano County Communities with Education, Resources, and Partnership

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