Vaccinate Solano
Information Portal

New Solano County Vaccine Eligibility Announced!
Age 12+:
May 15
COVID-19 Vaccination
A COVID-19 vaccine is one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic. A safe, effective, no-cost COVID-19 vaccine will be available to everyone in California who wants one. The vaccine, paired with other daily health habits, such as wearing face coverings and social distancing, will slow the spread of COVID-19 disease in our communities. Click on the links below for more information.
To receive notification about the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine when it is made available to the certain phases and tiers, please click on the button below to fill out the vaccine interest form. We strongly encourage community members to complete the Vaccine Interest Form for more information on vaccine clinics. This is the form that Solano Public Health is utilizing to pre-screen eligible individuals and contact them for vaccination clinics until the State’s “My Turn” system is in place.
Residents are urged to register on BOTH sites to get alerted when it’s their turn for a vaccine, including the COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form and the State of California’s MyTurn system at MyTurn.ca.gov
Solano County Vaccine Interest Form: https://bit.ly/solanovax
State of California’s My Turn System.
Sign up to get notified when its your turn to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Californian’s are now able to access their vaccination record electronically. Visit the State of California’s Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record (DCVR) Portal to download your COVID-19 vaccination record. In order to obtain your record the following must occur:
1) COVID-19 vaccination information must have been submitted to the California Immunization Registry (CAIR2, SDIR, and RIDE) by your vaccination provider
2) All the information you enter into the DCVR Portal must match your record in the registry
To update or add your contact information, please use the Troubleshooting Form.
Please see the upcoming clinics below. Walk in, schedule an appointment, or call 707-784-8655 for assistance.
First Dose Vaccine Clinics
June 25, 11:00am-2:00pm at McDonald’s (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J)
817 Leisure Town Road, Vacaville, CA
Sign up at https://camcdevents.com/ or walk-up onsite
June 25, 11:00am-2:00pm at McDonald’s (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J)
541 Davis Street, Vacaville, CA
Sign up at https://camcdevents.com/ or walk-up onsite
June 26, 10am-3:30pm at Joe A Nelson Community Center (12+ Pfizer)
611 Village Drive, Suisun City, CA
Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/sccovaxsutter0626 or walk-up onsite
June 26, 1pm-4:30pm at Diaz & Loera Centro Latino (12+ Pfizer and 18+ Johnson and Johnson)
530 Broadway St, Vallejo, CA
Sign up at http://bit.ly/sccovax0626 or walk-up onsite
June 28, 11:00am-2:00pm at McDonald’s (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J)
300 Hwy 12, Rio Vista, CA
Sign up at https://camcdevents.com/ or walk-up onsite
June 28, 11:00am-2:00pm at McDonald’s (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J)
902 Admiral Callaghan Lane, Vallejo, CA
Sign up at https://camcdevents.com/ or walk-up onsite
June 28, 11:00am-2:00pm at McDonald’s (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J)
2565 Springs Roads, Vallejo, CA
Sign up at https://camcdevents.com/ or walk-up onsite
Second Dose Vaccine Clinics
Vaccine Dose Interval: The second dose of vaccines should be administered as close to the recommended interval as possible – 21 days for Pfizer or 28 days for Moderna.
Second doses can be administered up to 4 days earlier than the recommended date for the second dose and are still considered valid. If it is not feasible to adhere to the recommended interval and a delay in vaccination is unavoidable, the second dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may be administered up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose.
If you missed your second dose appointment, reschedule as soon as possible, even it’s past the recommended time frame. There is no need to restart the series.
See below for a list of vaccine clinics providing second doses. Community members needing a second dose can walk-up onsite up to one hour before the end of the vaccine clinic event – registration is not required.
June 27, 9am-2pm at St. Vincent Catholic School Gym (12+ Pfizer)
481 Florida St, Vallejo, CA
June 27, 12pm-3:30pm at Patterson Elementary School (12+ Pfizer)
1080 Porter St, Vallejo, CA
July 6, 1pm-5:00pm at St. Stephens CME Church (12+ Pfizer)
2031 Union Avenue, Fairfield, CA
Who is eligible to be vaccinated?
Anyone 12 and over who live, attend school or work in Solano County can get vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people can[1]:
- Spend time with other fully vaccinated people, including indoors, without wearing masks or physical distancing (outside a workplace setting).
- Spend time with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.
- Refrain from wearing face coverings outdoors except when attending crowded outdoor events, such as live performances, parades, fairs, festivals, sports events, or other similar settings.
- Refrain from quarantine and testing following a known exposure if asymptomatic [2].
- Following a known exposure at work, fully vaccinated workers do not need to quarantine if asymptomatic.
- In the workplace, employers subject to the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) must ensure that employees are following the current ETS face covering and testing requirements.
For now, fully vaccinated people should continue to:
- Take precautions in public including wearing a well-fitted mask indoors, and when attending crowded outdoor events, as described above.
- Check CDPH guidance for face coverings for updates.
- Follow CDPH’s Guidance for Gatherings when gathering with people who are not vaccinated, groups with both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and persons of unknown status. Maintain physical distancing and adhere to other prevention measures when visiting with unvaccinated people who are at increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease or who have an unvaccinated household member who is at increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease.
- Get tested if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
- If fully vaccinated people test positive for SARS-CoV-2, they should follow CDPH and local health department guidance regarding isolation and/or exclusion from high risk settings.
- For workplace settings, employers should follow the exclusion provisions of the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards.
Refer to Addendum to Blueprint Activity & Business Tiers Chart – Tested and Fully Vaccinated Individuals and Sections for further industry and venue guidance related to tested negative and fully vaccinated individuals designated sections.
These recommendations apply to fully vaccinated people, and currently there is no duration limitation on these recommendations after individuals are fully vaccinated.
For additional information visit CDC’s related Science Brief: Background Rationale and Evidence for Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People
[1]:This guidance applies to COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized for use:
By the US Food and Drug Administration, as listed at https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines.
By the World Health Organization, as listed at https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/vaccines/covid-19-vaccines
[2] EO N-84-20 (PDF) provides that recommendations of the California Department of Public Health related to quarantine of workers are incorporated into and supersedes the text of the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards . This guidance does not affect employers’ obligation to comply with other provisions of the Emergency Temporary Standards.
As we reach 20 million vaccines administered and COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations have stabilized, California is looking to move beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy to fully reopening our economy. On June 15, all industries across the state can return to usual operations with common-sense risk reduction measures such as masking and vaccinations.
We will only progress to this stage if we continue to stay vigilant, keep wearing our masks and getting vaccinated. The state will monitor hospitalization rates, vaccine access, and vaccine efficacy against variants with the option to revisit the June 15 date if needed.
What triggers our move Beyond the Blueprint?
On June 15, California will fully open its economy if two criteria are met:
1. Equitable vaccine availability: If vaccine supply is sufficient for Californians 16 years or older who wish to be inoculated. [i]
AND2. Consistently low burden of disease: Hospitalizations are stable and low, and specifically, hospitalizations among fully vaccinated individuals are low.
For more information, visit Beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
Do you have additional questions about COVID-19 resources in Solano County? Is there a COVID-related topic you would like to hear more about? Ask us! Submit your question and one of our team members will respond within 24 hours.
Free: Laminate your Vaccination Card
Office Depot
117 Plaza Drive
Vallejo, CA
1250 Oliver Road
Fairfield, CA
1010 Helen Power Drive
Vacaville, CA